Royal High Rugby club have admitted they may need to withdraw from competitive rugby from next season due to a lack of playing resources.

The club based in Barnton, Edinburgh has made a public plea for additional support to help their committee recruit and retain players after revealing they have faced “an ongoing struggle to assemble teams for the last two seasons”.

Royal High finished bottom of the East Region League Division 1 this season, accumulating just four wins, and are set to be relegated into the division below – but only if they can source additional playing resources to allow them to keep fielding a team.

One of the founder clubs when the Scottish Rugby Union was constituted in 1873 under their former name Royal High School FP, they endured an acrimonious split with Corstorphine in 2017, 14 years after the clubs had merged to form RHC Cougars.

After an initial bounce as first Barnton RFC and then back as Royal High, including winning the league in 2022, the last few years have proved more difficult, prompting this honest and transparent admission that the club needs external assistance, with no competitive rugby next season a “distinct possibility”.

A statement posted on their social media pages reads: “Following a meeting of Royal High Rugby, held 30th May 2024, the club would like to make club members, supporters, players and former players aware of the situation the club finds itself in an open and honest manner.

“The club has been dealing with a number of challenges particularly player participation meaning that withdrawal from competitive leagues is a distinct possibility for season 24/25.

“Despite all efforts to recruit and retain players, the club has faced an ongoing struggle to assemble teams for the last 2 seasons. Additionally the burden of organising the club has taken its toll on committee members.

“Therefore we are seeking help and support from individuals willing to assist in operating the club plus recruit players for next season otherwise league withdrawal will be the only option.

“Royal High Rugby has a proud history dating back to 1868 and so it is exceptionally disappointing we find ourselves in this situation however the committee felt that being open and honest was in the wider interests of Scottish Rugby.

“We hope the club continues to operate next season as it includes a thriving mini section, however the ability to do so will be dependent on securing additional committee support from the wider Royal High community.

“The club wishes to thank all current and former players, members, sponsors and supporters as we know it’s not been an easy journey, particularly in the last 2 seasons.

“To our committee we express gratitude as without them the club would not have achieved all that it has. Anyone wishing to offer support and assistance is invited to email the club secretary: