Gregor Townsend praised young Glasgow Warriors pair Max Williamson and Jamie Dobie for their performances on tour with Scotland - while hinting at a change of thought around the versatile back. 

Before the tour, Townsend said he viewed Dobie as primarily a scrum-half who could fill in on the wing.

However, the Scotland coach has been so impressed with his outings on the wing that he could be considered for future squads in that position. 

He said: “I do see more and more that he could be a very good winger.  There are parts of things that we see in training that we’ve not been able to experience in games yet like his ability in the air – he’s got a really good jump and is very athletic.

"He’s an excellent defender, and in our system, the wings and the nines tend to be the last defender in the line, so it is a similar role and Jamie is able to do that really well.

“What we have seen is his evasive skill, he beats a lot of tackles and works really hard off the ball, so he brings that running game to the wing. He’s obviously a very good kicker, too.

Dobie is on the bench for the clash with Uruguay, and while he won't start a match scrum-half, which Townsend admitted he still views as the 23-year-old's strongest position. 

Townsend feels he's seen enough from Dobie in the spells he's moved from the wing to half-back so far this tour. 

“We do see Jamie adding to our depth on wing because he’s played really well there, with the ability to go into nine in every game he’s played in and hopefully he comes on at nine this week – that would be the plan, unless we have injuries.

"I am getting more and more excited about what he can offer on the wing – and obviously at Glasgow that is where he has played a lot of his rugby – but I still believe that nine is his best position."

Dobie is one of two players set to play in all four games of the tour, along with Glasgow team-mate Max Williamson. 

Townsend said that was partly down to the unavailability of others, but said he has been impressed with the 21-year-old. 

He added: "He goes about his business as if he's been around for five or six years.

"He wasn't going to play all four games, just Glen Young's injury and Alex Craig not being available the first weekend changed things up.

"It's great he's getting that opportunity to be involved because he's a young lad but we see a big future in him."